Regnum Christi NY Tri-State

NY Tri-State Priests

Fr. Daniel Ray, LC

Contact Father Daniel here:

Community Superior

From: York County, Pennsylvania

Date of Ordination: December 23, 2006

Favorite Scripture:

I can’t say I have a specific favorite: too hard to pick one!  But I get so much out of reading through the Old Testament stories, particularly Genesis, Exodus, Kings, etc., and seeing how they foreshadow Christ and the redemption he would bring about.  It brings deeper meaning for me when I then see the completeness and fulfillment in Jesus Christ.  These stories, and the scope of the thousands of years over which they took place, give such an amazing sense of the epicenes and transcendence of the history of salvation.

Favorite Hobby: Biking!

Mountain biking is my absolute favorite, but here in NY, there is just phenomenal road biking too. Going for a long ride on the road is often prayer time for me. I can think through things and also really speak candidly with Our Lord.  There’s something about that particular kind of physical activity that makes it an easy place for me to pray.

Father Daniel, what are your main apostolates within Regnum Christi?

Aside from my role in the community, I’m also a chaplain for the Lumen Institute in Manhattan.  I have a great love for Catholic education, so I’m also blessed to be able to serve on the board for RC Education which oversees the 10 Regnum Christi schools in the territory.  Lastly, as an “apostolate of study,” I’m working on a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership.

Why do you love being a priest?

A cliché catchphrase for when the most unbelievable and amazing things happen is, “you just can’t make this up.” Well, that’s how I feel about being a priest. I just can’t express how amazing it is to get a front-row seat in what God is doing in so many hearts, and also getting to have some small role in that process.

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