National Vocation Summit 2025

Legionaries of Christi Novitiate & College of Humanities 475 Oak Avenue, Cheshire, CT, United States

Building a Culture of Vocations Join religious, diocesan, and lay vocation leaders for the 2025 National Vocation Summit. The annual summit provides a unique opportunity to collaborate with leaders from every state of life with speakers, testimonies, and workshops focused on formation, strategic planning, and team building. MORE INFO & TO REGISTER

Holy Week Test Your Call Retreat

Legionaries of Christi Novitiate & College of Humanities 475 Oak Avenue, Cheshire, CT, United States

The Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday) is the most powerful and impactful time in the church. There is no better time to visit our house than during these holy days! Besides the beautiful liturgies, a Legionary priest will lead you through guided prayer and discernment talks. There will be plenty of time for […]

Spring “Test Your Call” Retreat

Legionaries of Christi Novitiate & College of Humanities 475 Oak Avenue, Cheshire, CT, United States

Don’t just pray about your vocation, do something about it! Experience life as a Legionary during Thanksgiving weekend: Daily Mass and adoration; Opportunities for Spiritual Direction and Confession; Workshops and guidance on discernment and prayer; hikes and conversation with the brothers MORE INFO & TO REGISTER

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