Opening Prayer
Come, Holy Spirit, and fill the hearts of your faithful! Come, Holy Spirit and “Refresh my heart in Christ” (Philem20).
Like the apostles, I am awaiting your coming by devoting myself to prayer (cfr.Acts1:14). May these days dispose my heart to receive you, as the apostles received you in the Upper Room and then set out to manifest your greatness “…to the end of the earth (Acts1:8).
In a special way I ask that you help me with this particular intention: ______. Please fill my soul with all that I need.
Come Holy Spirit! Rush like a mighty wind into my heart and appear like blazing fire within my soul (cfr.Acts2:2-3)! Amen.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit. (Gal5:25)
The Holy Spirit came, just as Jesus promised he would. As the disciples were gathered in prayer in the Upper Room, the Holy Spirit like a “powerful wind from heaven” (Acts2:2) in the form of “tongues of fire” (Acts2:3) descended upon them. “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit…” (Acts2:4). From this moment on, everything in their lives would change. Indeed, nothing would be the same. Never again were they to turn back to their boats and fishing nets or their tax-collecting tables. With the Holy Spirit descending upon them, he filled them with his consuming and burning fire of love, he transformed them and entrusted them with a mission. From the day of Pentecost onward, the Holy Spirit was to be the disciples guide. Each of them was now to “…live in the Spirit…” (Gal5:25) and by him alone would they be sanctified (cf.2Thess2:13).
This patter has been repeated all throughout all the ages of the Church. The Holy Spirit has never ceased to descend upon the members of the Church, fill them, transform them, and send them out on a mission. In the Church Pentecost is a daily occurrence; the Holy Spirit comes ever anew to lead and guide, transform and send the members of the Church into the world. From the era of the apostles up to the present day, we find men and women who have been infused with the power of the Spirit. The examples of these Christians of the Spirit motivate us; their words inspire us, while their prayers continue to support us. Women like St. Mary Magdalene and Blessed Mother Teresa, men like St. Andrew the Apostle and the Servant of God, Fr. Walter Ciszek, girls like St. Agnes and Blessed Chiara Luce Badano, boys like St. Tarcisius and the Servant of God, Carlo Acutis all give testimony to the fact that the Holy Spirit is truly the life of the Christian. They show us that when the Spirit works he truly transforms, ignites and commissions.
St. Paul teaches us that “The gifts and the call of God are irrevocable” (Rm11:20). Yes, the Holy Spirit has been given to each Christian along with his seven gifts and he calls all who has received him and his gifts to a life of true sanctity! The gifts of the Spirit and his call are irrevocable! The Christian who lives a daily experience of Pentecost has learned to be attentive to the motions and lights of the Holy Spirit granted through his seven gifts. The Spirit never ceases to give, direct and call! These Christians of the Spirit live like the first disciples and each day they set out from their personal, enclosed “Upper Room” and enter into the world. With the Spirit breathing and burning from within them, they proclaim: “Jesus is the Lord…” (cf.1Cor12:3).
God wills for each Christian to be such a man or woman of the Spirit; and for this reason he willed to send us his Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord is upon you! (cf.Lk4:18) “…Live by the Spirit… (Gal5:16).
Concluding Petitions to the Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit and inflame my heart!
Come, Counselor from on High and lead me into the truth!
Come, Spirit of Holiness and make me holy!
Come, Spirit of Love and teach me to love!
Holy Spirit, strengthen within me the gift of wisdom.
Holy Spirit, strengthen within me the gifts of knowledge and understanding.
Holy Spirit, strengthen within me the gifts of counsel and piety.
Holy Spirit, strengthen within me the gifts of fortitude and fear of the Lord.
Holy Spirit, bear within me the fruits of charity and joy.
Holy Spirit, bear within me the fruits of peace and patience.
Holy Spirit, bear within me the fruits of kindness and goodness.
Holy Spirit, bear within me the fruits of generosity and gentleness.
Holy Spirit, bear within me the fruits of faithfulness and modesty.
Holy Spirit, bear within me the fruits of self-control and chastity.
Spirit of God, may your power of mercy and love fill me and lead me deeper into the mystery of our Lord’s Heart. Come Holy Spirit and create within me a new heart!
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