Visiting friends on Memorial Day Weekend meant doing something I really don’t like- finding and attending Mass at some random church and hoping for the best. Since I also had been struggling of late with distractions in my prayer life- that morning, I was a bit cranky. Here I am, on my knees, determined to do my morning offering before Mass and really re-center myself. Besides my prayers, I am reflecting on our Team resolution: Follow the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and have fun with Him. The last part was my idea, and, while I am sure the other ladies think I am a bit kookie, this is truly how I see my relationship with Him. The joy experienced when the Holy Spirit acts in my life brings the word “Fun” to my mind! As I was reading the new prayer book, my focus was pulled to the new Holy Spirit prayer (at least I think it is new). By the way, if you haven’t looked at our new prayer book, you really should! They are a bit different but they really bring a new vitality. Lord, Teach Us to Pray: Regnum Christi Prayer Book for Lay Members
Holy Spirit, delightful guest and consoler of my soul, artisan of our transformation into Christ, enlighten my mind to know God’s will for me. Inflame my heart to love it passionately. Grant me the fortitude I need to accomplish it as perfectly as you ask of me. Lastly, Spirit of love, grant me the grace of responding faithfully to your holy inspirations. Amen.
I glance over at my mom (did I mention my mom was also with me visiting from St. Louis?) fighting my annoyance as I see her snapping pictures (remember I was a bit cranky?) (I love you, Mom!), she comments on how beautiful the church is. Looking up for the first time at my surroundings- I was stunned! It finally dawns on me that Pentecost Day has arrived! I mean, I knew it was coming and was looking forward to it, but as the weekend proceeded, it completely slipped my mind. Feeling the excitement fill me, I said to myself, “Here comes the Fun!” and I let myself receive the joy!
Brilliant flashes of the color red fill my senses as mass begins then came the infectious enthusiasm of the priest and the surprisingly harmonious sounds of the choir. The Song leader jumping up with great energy to lead the song reminded me of my pee wee football cheerleader days in middle school when we begin a cheer by holding up our arms and shouting “Ready…OK!” The priest lifting up communion with such joy compelled me to look up to see if hosts would start raining down on us from the ceiling and magically appearing in each of our hands as a true Holy Spirit miracle.
Delightful guest indeed!
A few months back, I wrote about my Pentecost-themed Triduum. I was so excited at that time about my rekindling relationship with the Holy Spirit that I wondered if it would last. Since then, embracing the Holy Spirit, following His nudges, and noting the results, I have time and again been filled with, well… Delight! That is the perfect word to describe it! Dozens of fun Holy Spirit stories have filled my life since then! I will share two things, in particular, involving the crazy weather we had.
One such story happened on my birthday. We had planned an overnight at a B&B in Lancaster (with the same friends we visited on Memorial Day) on a weekend that promised to be absolutely dismal. The entire week leading to it, everyone was saying how rainy it would be, how miserable, how cold…etc. My reply was always, “Nope- it will be great weather! I just know it, not sure how but I just know it.” I did qualify it, however, “Even if it does rain, it would only be during times it wouldn’t matter.” They all completely dismissed me. The weekend came and the weather was perfect! After a wonderful day, we left in the evening for our drive to Sight and Sound Theatre. The downpour was no joke! I will admit to being a bit surprised since my confidence level was so high, I really believed the rain would wait until after our arrival. I shrugged as everyone looked at me mockingly. Our drive there saw some serious wind, rain, and hail. But then, guess what? The sun peaked out and delivered a complete rainbow in the opposing sky! After pulling into the parking lot and getting out of the car, I turned to my group with a somewhat ‘I-Told-You-So’ gloating smile. Because the rain and wind had completely stopped and rainbows were everywhere!
The second time occurred for our NJ Marian pilgrimage which is held outside partially as we do a beautiful Rosary in the outdoor Rosary Garden at the Blue Army Shrine. I was surprised when I received a text from one of the ladies saying it was raining so she would skip the outdoor rosary and meet us at Mass. Raining? I hadn’t even considered that. Looking outside I guess it looked cloudy but I hadn’t made a backup plan. Then I remembered the Holy Spirit and I knew we would be fine. Upon my arrival, I looked in the sky, and much to my delight, I saw dark ominous clouds circling us, in the center, directly over the rosary garden, the skies were completely blue. And it remained so until we were safely inside for our lunch.
Does my Soul need to be Consoled?
I know what you are asking: “Why focus on these little things? There are so many more important things in life! What about those larger matters?” Indeed, these serious concerns envelop me and seem to overwhelm me at times. It can be so frustrating to feel isolated and alone, as if our prayers are not even being heard, let alone answered. I know so many people who have lost faith in God lamenting “Why did God let this happen?” Pain and heartbreak can seem like a cloud that follows us wherever we go. Don’t we all have souls in need of some sort of consolation? We cannot experience joy and peace while constantly filled with worry and angst. How many times does Jesus beg us “worry not” or “peace be with you”?
I have come to see these smaller favors and prayers for little things get answered quicker and in a more readily apparent way. I have recently started seeing these little things as constant reminders that the Holy Spirit is present and working! The fun I have when the sun shines on a day it is not supposed to during just the right time soothes my soul and is a reminder that I am loved.
“He who is trustworthy in small matters will also be trustworthy with great ones.” Luke 16:10
I usually consider myself or other people in my life, but what if we use this as a new way to see God? Obviously, God is trustworthy, but if that is the case, why do so many of us struggle to actively trust Him? By granting small favors and little miracles He is demonstrating His presence and consoling me, therefore reminding me to trust Him to tend to these larger matters as well. When my prayers do not seem to be heard or else are handled in a way that confuses me, I will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God is there with me! Maybe I won’t like the result, but I have never wavered in my desire to follow God’s will, no matter how difficult.
Artisan of our Transformation
What an Artisan the Holy Spirit is! The more fun with the Holy Spirit we have, the more the peace in our hearts grows, we become so accustomed to a closeness with the Holy Trinity, we then almost naturally allow ourselves to be transformed! The changes I see in my enthusiasm for my prayer life, my dedication to morning meditations, and my excitement to attend Mass and spend time alone in Adoration are proof to me of my continuing transformation. I may never understand the whys of the things, but constant delight and tiny consolations in life help me grow in patience, forgiveness, and perseverance in prayer as I endeavor to cooperate with His will as I recall the promise of Jesus to “Not leave us orphans”.