Regnum Christi is Pro-Life (continued)

Our next Pro-life volunteer is Jess Jaynes. She is one of our newest members of RC in Hunterdon County, NJ and we are so blessed to have her on our team! A fellow Stay-At-Home mom of 3 children ages 15, 12, and 9, Jess is hardly at home! Among the many other apostolates she is involved in, Jess is very active in the Pro-life Group at her parish, Immaculate Conception in Annandale, NJ.


Jess told me her interest in Pro-Life really came when she had struggled with some difficult pregnancies and was given the opportunity to see her babies in utero at 6 weeks. When seeing this she realized how special the experience was and, knowing many people do not get it, she felt she was being called to help in some way but wasn’t sure where or how.


“Then one day, I saw some ladies leaving for a trip to DC. I struck up a conversation with them and when they told me what they were doing, I realized I knew nothing about the group and was immediately interested. I gave her my information, and when I got the 1st email to meet, I just went to the meeting and have been going ever since.” Jess proves the point- Sometimes, all you have to do is just show up!


This group meets monthly to discuss the ever-changing Pro-Life needs in the Metuchen Diocese.

Anything is on the table, from praying (such as rosaries, praying in front of abortion centers, and at 40 Days for Life events) to organizing collections (such as money from baby bottle collections and bake sales) and distributing diapers and baby clothing to those in need. If there is a political issue in Trenton, this group is there in support. They make meals for the needy, pick food in the local Grow-A-Row, and arrange speakers and video showings for various events.

“One of my favorite things was taking 2 hours in a shift at the 4H fair. Handing out materials and just talking to people about this topic was so interesting! You never know what conversation you will have and learning to trust the Holy Spirit with my words has been such a gift!”


May we all be as blessed as Jess with this openness to just simply show up when called upon and be open to having conversations while completely trusting God with our words!


Some of the Pregnancy Centers that her Pro-Life Group supports include:

· Life Choices in Phillipsburg

· Pregnancy Aid Center in Raritan

· Flemington- Friendship Center for New Beginnings

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