Will you accept the 45 day Challenge for Vocations?

He said to them, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”

Luke 10:2

COMMITMENT: For 45 days do 1 vocation related action daily.

WHEN: Friday, November 11 which is during the 2016 National Vocation Awareness Week and the first day of the Novena to Christ the King and ending on December 25, Christmas Day. Let this be your gift to Jesus.

ACTION TRACKER: Keep track of your actions by recording them on My Vocation Action Tracker. 

All Vocation Action Trackers that are mailed to the seminary will be offered as a gift during Mass.  Legion of Christ College, Attn: John Monette, 475 Oak Avenue, Cheshire, CT 06410

 Pray the “Prayer for Vocations”
 Spend time in Adoration for vocations
 Pray the Rosary and offer it for vocations
 Give a vocation pamphlet or brochure to a young man or woman
 Invite a young man or woman you know to go on a “test-your-call” retreat.
 Send a vocation flyer to someone via email
 Make a sacrifice: give up something you like and offer it for vocations
 Post the prayer for vocations on Facebook and invite your friends to pray it
 Talk to your kids about vocations
 Read the story of a saintly priest/nun to your children
 Invite others to join you in the 45-Day Challenge for Vocations
 Any other vocation-related actions you are inspired to do…

If you are interested and would like be a part of this event please send an email to John Monette at [email protected] to receive more information, prayer cards, flyers or brochures.  Follow the 45 Day Challenge 4 Vocations on Facebook!

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