Young Adults See Time as a Gift from God


On Saturday, January 14, more than 20 young adults from the New York and Fairfield County areas gathered at the house of the Legionaries of Christ in Rye, NY. A morning retreat brought them together to reflect on two main topics. The first was a meditation on the importance of seeing time as a gift from God that should be used to become the best people we can be. Our time on earth is also meant for mission. The second meditation reflected on the fact that Christ is our only fulfillment. This meditation also delved into the four types of tendencies that the world is throwing at us: materialism, permissivism, hedonism, and relativism.

The group also had a chance to listen to an interview with Paul Posoli, who is a leader and an entrepreneur from Houston, Texas. He gave his personal account of how he made the transition “from business to service.”  In his talk, he provided specific tools to motivate these young people to start where they are and not miss out on the fact that Jesus is working in our lives right here and right now.

The meditations and this gentleman’s testimony caused many of these young adults to consider what they could do to transform this world. They had the opportunity to discuss their thoughts and ideas with one another in small groups.

The young adults also had a chance to get to know each other on a more personal level, as they had time to introduce themselves and socialize.

In addition to prayer time with Our Lord exposed in the Blessed Sacrament, those who attended this morning of reflection also had the opportunity to go to Reconciliation and to worship together at Mass. One of the participants sent a note saying, “The talks were great, and I loved the time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I also really appreciated all the details like the music, fireplace, good food, etc. It creates a great atmosphere.”

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