Welcome to the Regnum Christi Family!

It is always a blessing when a family grows!  Our NY Tristate Regnum Christi Locale celebrated the addition of three new women to our Regnum Christi family on February 11, 2024, at our annual Triduum of Renewal Retreat. Close to fifty women had the privilege and joy of witnessing the association of these sisters in Christ into Regnum Christi. Some of the retreatants had walked beside these women, accompanying them to this moment of “yes”. We filled the pews of the chapel behind the three women in the front row who were ready and eager to make their commitment after our weekend’s closing Mass. As I watched all of us file in and take our places, it struck me as a silent expression of what we were feeling and speaking in our hearts at that moment: we “have your backs”, dear sisters, in prayer and friendship in Christ. The new associates were Deborah Radonich, Vanessa Flores (NY/CT) and Claudia Basile (NJ).

  St. Paul proclaims, “Rejoice with those who rejoice.” (Romans 12:15). And “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.” (1 Cor, 12:26). Each of us was able to welcome these women into our Regnum Christi family in person, in our own way, sweetened by the memory of the day of our own association. Taking place during Triduum as they did, the associations were such a powerful affirmation of St. Paul’s words. We were reminded that, through faith, we come to Christ as individuals. Through our confidence in His work and impelled by His love to work for His Kingdom, we are untied to Him AND our sisters and brothers in Christ. After the new associations, all of us in Regnum Christi voiced our Renewal of the Commitments of Regnum Christi. Made to feel “new” again by this tradition and the work of the Holy Spirit on our hearts, minds, and souls for three days, we left with the hope and promise and zeal of “one in Christ” as expressed by the earliest Christians: “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of the bread and the prayers. …And all who believed were together and had all things in common. …And day by day, attending the temple together, and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts.” Acts 2: 42,44, 46).

Debbie, Vanessa and Claudia were asked to share some thoughts on their association. Their beautiful words reflect a deep gratitude for associating during Triduum and an abiding wisdom and understanding of what it is to live out a vocation as a disciple of Christ in Regnum Christi.


“I had the blessing of associating into Regnum Christi over a very holy and spirit-filled Triduum this past February. This was the second Triduum I attended and I hope to be able to do so every year.

My life and especially my faith have grown and changed for better when I started a Walking with Purpose program. Part of the success is due to the fact that I met wonderful women who were RC members and they helped me to  reflect and go deeper into how I lived my faith and grew my relationship with the Lord. Joining RC motivates me to work harder at being the best version that God has created me to be. At the same time, I have many sisters who will walk along side me through my life, but mostly along the path of Christian life.”

-Claudia Basile


“I found the Triduum to be such a gift because it provided me the peace and quiet to concentrate on prayer and the meditations given by Fr. Jason with no distractions from the world around me.

Everything I listened to and prayed was able to marinate in my head. What a gift! I have prayed for fellowship in my spiritual life – other women to pray with and for – to inspire and walk with me as I strive to help bring His Kingdom to the world around me. Regnum Christi is truly an answer to prayer for me and I am eagerly looking forward to deepening my prayer life and establishing “HIS Kingdom” in my heart.”

-Deborah Radonich


“I’ve been attending the Regnum Christi Women’s retreats for over 2 years now, and joined an Encounter group this summer.  My spiritual journey has taken me to new paths that I didn’t expect, and I am so grateful.  God is so good!  In Regnum Christi, I have found a family of women, who genuinely want to grow in our Catholic faith and to be good Christians, trying to balance the important traits of both Mary in prayer and Martha in our vocations, ministries and evangelizing.  

When God asks, I try and say yes.  It’s taken me a while to learn to discern and not say yes to everything though.  It’s important for me to ask God what he wants me to do, since I’ve learned that I cannot do it all, even though I have tried!  So, when I was invited to Triduum, I discerned, and it was a yes…I knew I was meant to be there.  

To be honest though, I wasn’t exactly sure how the Triduum retreat in silence, would be, (especially since I’ve been blessed with the gift of gab), but I knew that I love the feeling of inner peace, that being with Jesus and in contemplation, provides.  I also love being with my beloved sisters in Christ, and it proved no different, without speaking.  I could still feel their love and their good spirits.

A highlight of Regnum Christi is the loving Priests and consecrated women.  It’s such a special treat when we have time with either of them.  Always bringing God’s love, God’s Mercy and God’s graces, with them.  I always leave Regnum Christi events, feeling more peaceful.  

At the Triduum retreat, I also had a conversion of heart.  I grew…  Kind of like the Grinch…I was struggling a bit with a heart that had shrunk from being hurt too many times and the time in meditation, self-reflection, spiritual direction, and reconciliation, really helped me open my heart again.  It was a re-birth, a renewal for me.  Officially associating with the Regnum Christi family at the Sunday Mass, with two other sisters in Christ, was so beautiful.  Thank you for your warm welcome and love!”

-Vanessa Flores

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