Regnum Christi NY Tri-state Women’s Section announces the formation of its Section Director’s Work Team. In previous years, our work team was the AFIRE team. As always, our Regnum Christi Mission is “to give glory to God and make the Kingdom of Christ present in the hearts of all the people and in society” (SRCF #7). It is the role of each Section Director to direct and develop the life of his or her section, for the good of the members, in order for them to fulfill the mission. Regnum Christi members are called to live their vocation within our Spiritual family, rooted and guided in their apostolic work, by the five elements of a Regnum Christi life: spiritual life, apostolate, formation, accompaniment, and team life.
The section director may invite individuals to assist with their work of directing, inspiring, and nurturing their members and imagining, implementing, and invigorating the works of the section. At its best, the team functions as a think tank, advisory council and sounding board under the leadership of the section director. The AFIRE team model designated “team coordinators” for: apostolate, formation, integration, recruitment, and economy. The Section Director’s Work Team recommends leaders for seven “areas of responsibility” which align with the five elements proper to the way of life of Regnum Christi members:
spiritual, apostolate, formation, accompaniment, team life, administration, communications.
Prayer and discussion lead our RC Director, Mary Rohe and Section Directors for the NY/CT and NJ sections, Lisa Rooney and Victoria Cisneros, to choose the Section Director’s Work Team model at the beginning of 2024. This seemed the perfect fit for our unique situation of three states divided between two sections, separated by rivers and many miles between various teams, but united in our love for Regnum Christ, a shared spirit AFIRE with our love for Christ and solidarity in a desire to build his kingdom.
Our sections share some apostolates (MOR’s, SPEX, Triduum) while others are unique to our sections . We continue to retain individual styles in the ways we best serve the needs of our sections. Over the years and across the bridges, many of us have become friends and developed a strong desire to not only be with but collaborate and cooperate with each other in RC life. This is all aimed at building stronger team, section and locale life through the sharing of ideas and best practices. The community of LC priests that serve us are based in Westchester, NY and the same consecrated women of RC come from Washington, DC to accompany both sections, so much logistic coordination is needed. In addition, it was important that we standardize some administration and communication activities, based on new guidelines and recommendations from the RC federation.
Each of the first six areas of responsibility of the Section Director’s Work team have one woman from each section working together, along with representatives from our communications team. In addition our RC Director, RC chaplain and Men and Young Adult Section Directors attend the meetings so our whole locality leadership has time each month to plan together.
The approach has already been a fruitful “marriage”, resulting in the creation of new documents for registering, budgeting, and outlining our apostolates and designing an upcoming formation program for team leaders and formators of both sections, all to be launched this Fall.
We are pleased to introduce the members of our Section Director’s Work Team below.