Imitating Mary This Advent

Imitating Mary During Advent
In a fun twist, this year’s Advent Morning looked a bit like a Baby Shower, because it was proposed that we consider using this season to accompany Mary through her pregnancy. Beginning with Luke’s account of the Annunciation, which ends with, ‘and the Angel left her’, all were invited to imagine that the next line could read, ‘and then N (insert your name here) walked in…’.  What might that moment look like? One of indescribable reverence? Of hugging and jumping for joy? What sweet possibilities for reflection in the weeks ahead!  To try to see Mary as someone to be best childhood friends with … not as a perfect porcelain statue, cold and un-relatable, but as someone to console or comfort or listen to or to simply be with … So many possibilities for deepening in a tender friendship!
Womens Advent Retreat
In Fr Eric’s meditation, he encouraged all to imitate Mary and to embrace her spirit of Simplicity of heart, Detachment, Interior Silence, and Charity.

Because of a parish funeral and then a wedding, our Holy Hour and Mass took place in a small makeshift ‘chapel’ which ended up being intimate and lovely ~ truly a way to live that spirit of simplicity, detachment, silence, and charity; it was so nice that it may become a new tradition!

In our spirit of accompanying Our Lady in her pregnancy, many of the ladies donated packages of diapers which have been delivered to the Sisters of Life for the young mothers they serve.
A number of the ladies expressed their gratitude for being encouraged to step out of themselves and to hit the ‘pause’ button … and to simply love.
– Mary Wolff
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